During World War 2, the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force tracked the ebb and flow of enemy raids and the RAF’s response. In August 1940, as the Germans bring increasing pressure to bear, their work becomes more important than ever.

The game will focus on shifts of WAAFs working in a hurriedly opened Sector Control Room at Stow Maries RAF Station. They’ll be plotting the movements of enemy raids, operating radar, and controlling fighter squadrons in response. Their actions will determine the course of our Battle of Britain.

Male characters will be representing the RAF pilots and ground crew. During flight shifts they will be taken to an Out of Character area. They’ll communicate via radio with the WAAFs, who will plot and relay information in return. Their fate in flight scenes rests entirely in the hands of the WAAFs.

All characters will be fed and watered from Friday evening to Sunday morning, work their shifts, and have the opportunity to take part in the social activities on base. These will include a Friday night dance, PT and rehearsals for the base concert.