Booking is now closed, thank you for signing up!

Standard ticket: £275

Subsidised ticket: £75

Ticket prices cover game entry and meals from Friday evening to Sunday morning, and can be paid in one lump sum or three separate deposits. Payment details will be emailed with confirmation of booking.

Booking Process

Important dates:

  • 9th June 2024 - Booking opened
  • 9th July 2024 - Booking closed
  • 9th August 2024 - Players announced
  • 9th November 2024 - First payment date
  • 9th February 2025 - Second payment date
  • 9th-11th May 2025 - Date of the game

The first step of the booking process is to complete our Booking Form and choose whether you want to play a WAAF or RAF character.

Booking will remain open until 9th July 2024. From those who registered their interest, we will choose 39 WAAF players and 15 RAF players. The results of the ballot will be announced by 9th August 2024.

During booking, we'll ask you about your character concept. This is simple - just a short outline, three key words. There's some notes on character creation here - if you're stuck, drop us an email at Our Story Team will later work with you to flesh those concepts out into living, breathing people from 1940. We'll also help you build connections with other characters before the event starts.

A note for the RAF: We ask RAF players to work on 2 character ideas before the event - a day pilot and a night pilot. Both characters will be equally embedded relationship wise, and there's no need to worry about two sets of kit - that's the beauty of uniforms. In the unlikely event that a player dies more than twice, we'll help you out on the day!

Costume Guides

We have written some guides to getting the costume right, which you can see here:

The basic requirements are very simple and inexpensive, and there's lots of scope to add bits and pieces to flesh out the look if you like. Please get in touch if you have any questions about costume. We ask all players to help us create a believable scenario of an airbase in 1940 by adhering to the costume guide for your respective role.

Subsidised Tickets

We recognise that some people are less able than others to afford expensive LARP tickets. If this is you, you have the option to book a subsidised ticket, which costs considerably less than a regular ticket, but is otherwise identical.

We will never ask for proof or your reason for wanting a subsidised ticket. However, there are only five subsidised ticket available, so it might impact your chances of getting in. There is deliberately no option to fall back to a regular ticket, should we have more than five people requesting subsidised tickets and you end up not being allocated one.

Multiple Bookings

We understand that there may be people (partners, lift-providers, etc) who you might want to link your booking to, so that either both/all of you play or neither/none of you do. You can enter the names of up to three other players you wish to make a Multiple Booking with. These people will be put into the ballot as a single entry and drawn together. Making a Multiple Booking will not materially change the probability of you being allocated a place, but it will avoid the possibility of some but not all of you receiving places.

​Refunds & Cancellations

Refunds will only be issued if we are able to find a replacement player to take your place. Replacement players will come from our waiting list in strict order as drawn. You are welcome to suggest people apply to our waiting list, but they will not be guaranteed a place.

In the event of a cancellation by us, all players will get back a share of any of the unspent budget, proportional to their ticket price.

Surplus Budget

Our tickets are priced to cover the costs of running the event. Should we manage to run the event more cheaply than anticipated, we will donate our surplus to the RAF Benevolent Fund.